Friday, March 14, 2014

Travelling = exploring = change

And the best thing is... don't need to go far to find a place to explore... in a travel cafe...
And such exploration can take one back to the place where it all started...
...only to arrive there for the first time... 
...and with luck find a glimpse to the future... 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Thoughts on childhood, innocence and angels...

Placebo effect & belated wishes for 2014...

In an old Pharmacy Museum at the Santa Catarina viewpoint in Lisboa...

Overlooking the Tagus river...

We were pondering about the Placebo Effect and made resolutions for 2014...

In the smallest bookshop in the world (perhaps)...

In a very, very, very tiny bookshop, in the beautiful city of Amsterdam, on a sunny day...

We found a book, which inspired a note...

(P.S. spot a sleeping cat...)

moving words, writing dance

Inspired by the amazing dancing poetry performance of Son dèl Ground (above), 
an inquisitive note was born.

And hidden in one of the best suited places for Umiverse;
Le Cercle des Voyageurs.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

tiny makes terrific

Time to break in a new place.
 a "Lieu de vie" seems extraordinarily well-suited for word-bombing.

and sometimes all you need is a little reminder
that everything big was once tiny.

And the universe is just a really big bunch of infinitesimally small organisms.