Sunday, January 5, 2014

Creating links- Musée de la Bourse

Are we ever free?

I  had managed to finish Salman Rushdie's memoir about the "Fatwa years",
just in time for our holiday in Rome.
Upon arrival I find Rushdie's "Midnight Children" waiting on the Italian bookshelf.


A thank you note to our Roman guest house.

Happy 2014: Size does not matter!


On s'engage et puis on voit

Sometimes you stumble on lovely projects that others have set up.
And it only takes a minute to link it to your own. 

Now, the Umiverse is not a secret per se, 
but this elusive thought may be called that.

(I am not accountable for the above-mentioned attitude towards Swedes) 

The Photographic Museum of Stockholm, Sweden.